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A banner promoting Jonas Construction Software, showcasing a cheerful Business Executive explaining the benefits of the software using an interactive presentation which includes phrases like "Growth without adding resources" and "Game-changing stories". This signifies how the software simplifies complex tasks and adds value by maximizing efficiency and productivity. The backdrop is enticing for specialty contractors looking for innovative solutions to streamline their workflow.
The alt text for this image would be: "A large, black, bold '3aule' text in a modern sans-serif font on a plain green background. The image represents Jonas Construction software branding.

Case Study: BAULNE

Jun 18, 2018 We recently did a case study with one of our clients, BAULNE, […]

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Image of a corporate representative in a suit shaking hands with a construction worker in safety vest, symbolizing a partnership or agreement in an urban Jonas Construction setting.

Tips for Successfully Onboarding New Employees in the Construction Industry

May 08, 2018 As more millennials continue to enter the construction workforce, companies today are […]

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A clean and organized construction site with individuals conversing shows a dedicated engineer focusing on managing tasks using the Jonas Construction Software on his tablet. He is safely dressed in his hardhat, safety glasses, and vests while sporting a cheeky smile as he values the efficiency of handling projects with the software. The software interface on tablet features intuitive dashboard reflecting real-time updates.

Construction Management Software Selection Guide Bundle

Apr 10, 2018 At Jonas, we understand that whether you are looking to upgrade your […]

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A floating digital tablet features Jonah Construction Software and various other icons, such as cloud computing, email, and social media against an ethereal blue background radiating subtle light beams.

Five Construction Software Functionalities That Are Essential for Success in 2018

Mar 05, 2018 While construction companies would acknowledge they require some sort of construction software […]

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Distressed man at desk with laptop, mechanical contractor project papers, glasses and plant indicating high stress levels in project management in construction.

Top 5 Pitfalls to Avoid When Selecting a Construction Management Software Solution

Feb. 14, 2018 When it comes to researching the various construction management software on the […]

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Alt text: Illustration of a prominent 'Return on Investment' button in bold red color on a computer keyboard, accentuated by an accompanying line graph icon. The image metaphorically represents financial evaluations or resultant efficiencies procured using our construction software.

Technology ROI – Understand Key Metrics & Assess the Risks (Featured in CFMA Building Profits Magazine)

Jan 04, 2018 Investing in and implementing information technology (IT) can enhance efficiency and increase […]

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brief summary of the software benefits and a "Learn More" button. 

Alt text: "Promotional graphic for Jonas Construction Software Industry Outlook, showing modern high-rise buildings with a reflective golden facade. A yellow overlay on the left displays key software benefits and a 'Learn More' button.

2018 Design Build Industry Outlook

CURIOUS ABOUT THE INDUSTRY OUTLOOK FOR THE NEXT 12 MONTHS? Through a detailed analysis from over […]

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2022 - Building Smarter Infrastructure with Modern Technology".

Alt text: Graphic depicting a bustling construction site with a towering crane and an incomplete building covered in scaffolding. The overlaid text promotes Jonas Construction Software and highlights the importance of tech-driven infrastructure development in 2022.

2018 General Contracting Industry Outlook

CURIOUS ABOUT THE INDUSTRY OUTLOOK FOR THE NEXT 12 MONTHS? Through a detailed analysis from over […]

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onas Construction Software.

Alt text: "Graphic showcasing a variety of electrical tools and gadgets with overlaid text stating 'Electrical Contracting Industry Outlook', along with a 'Read More' button implying further details are available. The image supports the concept of industry tech updates offered by Jonas Construction Software.

2018 Electrical Contracting Industry Outlook

CURIOUS ABOUT THE INDUSTRY OUTLOOK FOR THE NEXT 12 MONTHS? Through a detailed analysis from over […]

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Alt text: This illustration showcases various elements associated with the mechanical engineering industry - intricate blueprints, sketching pencils, industrial cogwheels and a modern tablet. Artistic emphasis is placed on the text "Mechanical Contracting Industry Outlook", symbolising our software's focus on updating users about current trends within construction accounting.

2018 Mechanical Contracting Industry Outlook

CURIOUS ABOUT THE INDUSTRY OUTLOOK FOR THE NEXT 12 MONTHS? Through a detailed analysis from over […]

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Alt text: Project management illustration featuring mechanical contractors coordinating tasks on Jonas Construction Software, symbolized by a clock, bar chart, gears and puzzle pieces. There are also documents indicating planning and strategy activity. The colors used are pastel on a simple gray background.

Flexible IT Strategic Planning for the Next Five Years (Featured in CFMA Building Profits Magazine)

Aug 31, 2017 While many contractors develop an overall business strategy, information technology (IT) is […]

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partially visible in the background, symbolizing the active construction site they are in.

Jonas Interview with 24/7 Massachusetts Contractors Academy

Aug 15, 2017 Yana Tcharnaia, Sales Manager at Jonas Construction Software recently did an interview […]

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Alt text: A close-up shot of a hands holding a smartphone displaying a wireframe sketch. Wood desk background features essential workspace items including laptop, tablet and coffee cup - representing the technical work environment of specialty contractors utilizing Jonas Construction Software.

5 Important Features A Contracting Website Must Have

Aug 03, 2017 For contracting businesses of all kinds, having an effective website becomes more […]

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Alt text: Businessman in a suit interacts with a digital interface filled with communication and database management icons, depicted on the cover of 'Change Management for IT Implementations in Construction Software' by Michael Tanner. The book is a resource for mechanical and specialty contracts on Jonas Construction Software's services including Accounting & Payroll, Job Project Management, and Service Management.

Change Management for IT Implementations (Featured in CFMA Building Profits Magazine)

Jul 24, 2017 While change is a necessity for most businesses, employees are often resistant […]

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Alt text: A professional wearing a suit engages with an advanced digital interface showcasing different Business Intelligence terminologies including 'data mining,' 'data visualization,' and 'construction accounting software.' This imagery signifies the sophisticated data solutions offered by Jonas Construction Software.

10 Ways Business Intelligence Can Improve Your Business

Apr 27, 2017 With businesses today looking to maximize their existing resources and make quicker […]

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Don’t Let Your Construction
Business Fly Blind!

Don’t let your construction or service business lose payments! Start tracking your receivables like a pro with Jonas software.